
ND:YAG Laser Machine

Professional Nd Yag laser tattoo removal machine

What is ND:YAG laser machine?

Nd:YAG laser its name from the laser medium, Neodymium: Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet. Designed specifically to target pigmentation and roughness, this laser also effectively removes old tattoos. The ODI ND:YAG Laser Machine emits specific wavelengths of high-energy light that pigments absorb, shattering them into tiny fragments. Some fragments exit the skin, while others break down further into minute particles, which phagocytes engulf and eliminate through the lymphatic system. The ND:YAG Laser Machine PL-9, featuring optimal wavelengths of 532nm, 755nm, and 1064nm, offers the most precise and safest pico laser treatment for tattoo removal and pigmented lesions, effectively addressing a wide range of pigment and tattoo colors across various skin types.

  • Professional ND:YAG Laser Machine is the latest, most advanced laser technology that helps in removing pigmentation, tattoo removal, eye line, lipline, pigment on scar skin and derma, moles, warts, freckles, coffee spots, age spots, inflammatory pigmentation, and rejuvenating aging skin safely and so on.
  • Unwanted dark and multi-colored tattoos can be safely and effectively eliminated with the ND:YAG Laser Machine. Using a combination of laser wavelengths that target different ink colors, high-intensity light beams break up the ink particles in the tattoo, revealing clear, ink-free skin with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation.
  • Successful multi-color tattoo removal requires a high-powered laser that can deliver enough energy within the absorption spectrum of a wide range of colors. The high-power Picosecond Nd YAG laser 1064nm laser is ideal for treating darker colors (blue, black, and green), while the 532nm wavelength is effective for brighter ink colors (red, orange, and yellow). The treatment mechanically breaks down ink particles without causing thermal damage, causing the tattoo to fade with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation.
  1. Endogenous pigments: freckles, sun spots, age spots, coffee spots, brown green Colored nevus, Ota nevus, melasma;
  2. Exogenous pigment: tattoo, eyebrow, eyeliner, lip line;
  3. Whitening skin, narrowing pores, improving blackheads and oil control effect.